Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where have I been?

I have been in a lot of places and all have kept me away from the blogging world. But alas, I am back with a new point view, a new career, and new found love for knitting and crafts.

A big part of my hiatus was returning to school to complete my Montessori Teacher Training. Over the summer I left I my children in Kingston (with dad) during the week and headed to Ottawa all by lonesome. Although very challenging, it was well worth the sacrifice and had a huge impact on my outlook of the future.

What does this mean for my blogging world? A little less craziness and a little more focus, with some Montessori flair for good measure. I will continue to update on my crafting adventures in knitting/crocheting, but will also now blog about my life as an intern in a Montessori Casa Class! I am sure my ups and downs as a new teacher will be both entertaining and hopefully helpful to some as well.

The main focus of this blog will remain as a running journal of my life for both myself and my family. If you enjoy it or find it useful that is a bonus. If there is something you take a liking to please let me know and I will know to post more about that subject.

I am off now to make dinner, do laundry, and other household task that I have been putting off.